Babak SHADGAN MD, MSc. Sports Med., PhDc.


Institution: University of British Columbia Muscle Biophysics Laboratory

VGH Research Pavilion, 611-828 W.10th Ave.

Vancouver, BC V5Z 1L8 Canada


Phone: 604-875-4111 # 66055

Cell: 778-317-7618

Fax: 604-875-4851

President of UWW Medical Commission

Mailing Address: 2781 Melfa Road, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1N3

Country: Iranian / Canadian

Current Areas of Interest: Sports Medicine, Wrestling injuries Shadgan B, Feldman BJ, Jafari S. Wrestling Injuries During the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Am J Sports Med. 2010 Sep;38(9):1870-6