Ahmed Helmy SAAD


Work: Health Sciences sports Department, Faculty of Physical Education,Benha University

I was a wrestler, I am currently interested field of scientific research in wrestling:

احمد حلمي سعد

مدرس دكتور بقسم علوم الصحة الریاضیة

كلیة التربیة الریاضیة للبنبن جامعة بنھا

MSc and PhD

– The Molecular Biological and relationship of the muscular strength as indicator to choosing the beginners in wrestling to sheltering institution children.

– The effectiveness of biorhythms and relationship to specific training for developing performance level in wrestling.

Physiological profile of the young Egyptian wrestlers

– Effect of hypoxia training on some physiological variables and skill performance endurance for wrestlers

– ACE gene variation and its relationship with physical, physiological, and skill variables for free swimming juniors

– Physiological responses as the basis for rationing wrestlers’ training loads

– The biochemical changes for blood, liver, and Kidney under the influence of different intensities physical loads

– Prize of Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Creative Sports in 15 Nov. 2013.