Contact Information:

1928 Delwood Dr.

Iowa City, IA 52240-5911

Institution / Organization: Iowa Wrestling Research

Current area of interest: Health and safety of wrestlers

Completed wrestling research:

Oppliger, RA, AC Utter, JR Scott, RW Dick, and DA Klossner, NCAA rule change improves weight loss among national championship wrestlers. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 38

Oppliger, RA, SA Magnes, LR Popowski, and CV Gisolfi. Accuracy of urine specific gravity and urine osmolality as markers of hydration state.

International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. 15(3):236-251, 2005.

Oppliger, RA, SN Steen, and JR Scott. Weight loss practices of collegiate wrestlers. International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism 13(1):29-46, 2003

Clark, RR,RA Oppliger, and JC Sullivan. Validation of the NCAA method to prediction body fat for minimum weight in collegiate wrestlers. . Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine 12:285-290, 2002

Popowski LR, Oppliger, RA, GP Lambert, AK Johnson, and CV Gisolfi. Does urine specific gravity measure change in hydration state? Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 33(5):747-753, 2001.

Utter, AC, JR Scott, RA Oppliger, PS Visich, FL Goss, BL Marks, and DC Nieman. A comparison of leg-to-leg bioelectrical impedance and skinfolds in assessing body fat in collegiate wrestlers. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 15(2):157-160, 2001.

Oppliger, RA, RR Clark, and DH Nielsen. New equations improve NIR prediction of body fat among high school wrestlers. Journal of Orthopedics and Sports Physical Therapy 30(9): 536-543, 2000.

Oppliger, RA. Wrestling’s wake-up call. The Complete Coach, 4(3): 8, 1998.

Oppliger, RA. Wrestling’s tragic wake-up call. All-Stater Sports 3(1): 16, 1998.

Oppliger, RA, GL Landry, SW Foster, and AC Lambrecht. Wisconsin minimum weight program reduces weight cutting practices of high school wrestlers. Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine , 8(1): 26-31, 1998.

Oppliger, RA. How to determine a good wrestling weight. Wrestling USA: 32(8): 16-17, March 1, 1997.

Oppliger, RA. Weight cutting dangerous for athletes. Olympic Coach 6(4): 5-6, 1996.

Oppliger, RA, RD Harms, DE Herrmann, CM Streich, and RR Clark. Clinical Review: The Wisconsin Wrestling Minimal Weight Project: A Model for Weight Control among High School Wrestlers. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 27(8): 1220-1224, 1995.

Oppliger, RA, RD Harms, DE Herrmann, CM Streich, and RR Clark. Grappling with Weight Control: The Wisconsin Wrestling Minimum Weight Project. The Physician and Sportsmedicine 23(3):69-78, 1995

Oppliger, RA, GL Landry, SW Foster, and AC Lambrecht. Bulimic behavior among interscholastic wrestlers: A statewide survey. Pediatrics 91 (4): 826-831, 1993.

Nielsen, DH, SL Cassady, LM Wacker, AK Wessels, BJ Wheelock, and RA Oppliger. Validation of the Futrex-5000 near-infrared spectrophotometer analyzer for assessment of body composition. Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy 16(6): 281-288, 1992.

Oppliger, RA, RR Clark, and JM Kuta. Reliability of skinfold measurement procedures: A comparison of experienced and clinic-trained testers. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sports 63(4): 438-443, 1992.

Clark, RR, JM Kuta, and RA Oppliger. The Wisconsin Minimal Weight Wrestling Project: Cross-validation of minimal weight prediction equations. Pediatric Exercise Science 4(2):117-127, 1992.

Oppliger, RA, DH Nielsen, AC Shetler, ET Crowley, and JP Albright. Body composition of collegiate football players: bioelectrical impedance and skinfolds compared to hydrostatic weighing. Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy 15(4): 187-192, 1992.

Thorland, WG, CM Tipton, RW Bowers, TJ Housh, GO Johnson, JM Kelly, TG Lohman, RA Oppliger, and TK Tcheng. Midwest wrestling study: prediction of minimal weight for high school wrestlers. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 23(9):1102-1110, 1991.

Oppliger, RA, DH Nielsen and CG Thompson. Minimal weight predicted by bioelectrical impedance and anthropometric equations. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 23(2):247-253, 1991.

Lakin, JA, SN Steen and RA Oppliger. Eating behaviors, weight loss methods and nutritional practices among high school wrestlers. Journal of Community Health Nursing 7(4):223-234, 1990.

Gisolfi, CV, RW Summers, HPSchedl, TL Bleiler, and RA Oppliger, Human intestinal water absorption: Direct vs. indirect measurements. American Journal of Physiology 258:G216-G222, 1990.

Steen, SN, RA Oppliger, and KD Brownell. Metabolic effects of repeated weight loss in adolescent wrestlers. Journal of the American Medical Association, 260:47-50, 1988.

Oppliger, RA and CM Tipton. Iowa wrestling study: cross validation of the Tcheng-Tipton minimal weight prediction formulas for high school wrestlers. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 20(3):310-316, 1988.

Oppliger, RA and RH Congdon. Implementing minimal weight prediction equations for high school wrestlers. Iowa Medicine, 77(9): 444-446, 1987.

Oppliger, RA and JA Spray. Skinfold Measurement Variability in Body Density Predictions. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sports, 58(2): 178-183, 1987.

Oppliger, RA, MA Looney and CM Tipton. Reliability of hydrostatic weighing and skinfold measurements of body composition using a generalizability study. Human Biology, 59(1): 77-96, 1987.

Oppliger, RA Using the minimal weight prediction equations for scholastic wrestlers. Iowa Medicine, 76(2):66-67, 1986.

Oppliger, RA and CM Tipton. Weight prediction, equation tested and available. Iowa Medicine, 75(10):449-452, 1985.

Tipton, CM and RA Oppliger. The Iowa wrestling study: lessons for physicians. Iowa Medicine, 74:381-385, 1984.

Tipton, CM, MS Sturek, RA Oppliger, RD Matthes, JM Overton and JG Edwards. Responses of SHR to combinations of chemical sympathectomy, adrenal demedulation, and training. American Journal of Physiology, 247:H109-H118, 1984.


Landry, RV, RA Oppliger, AC Shetler, & GL Landry, Regime Dietetique pour Lutteurs: Un Guide pour Maintenir son Poids et Rester en Forme. Federation Internationale des Luttes Associees, Lusanne 1999.

Clark, RR and RA Oppliger. Minimal weight standards in high school wrestlers; The Wisconsin model. Orthopedic Physical Threapy Clinics of North America. 7 (1): 23-46, 1998.

Landry, RV, RA Oppliger, AC Shetler, & GL Landry, The Wrestler’s Diet: A Guide to Healthy Weight Loss 2nd Edition. California Interscholastic Association, 1995.

Tipton, CM and RA Oppliger. Nutritional and fitness considerations for competitive wrestlers. World Review of Nutrition and Diet 71, 84-96, 1993.

Landry, RV, RA Oppliger, AC Shetler, & GL Landry, The Wrestler’s Diet: A Guide to Healthy Weight Loss. Quaker Oats, 1990.

Oppliger, RA & RR Clark, Handbook for Obtaining Minimal Weight Measurements of High School Wrestlers. 2nd edition. Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association, 1990.

Oppliger, RA, Handbook for Obtaining Minimal Weight Measurement of High School Wrestlers. University of Iowa, 1987.

Tipton, CM, RD Matthes, TG Bedford, J Lehninger, RA Oppliger, & L Miller. Exercise, Hypertension and Animal Models. Therapeutics through Exercise, edited by D.L. Lowenthal, K. Bharadwaja, & W. Oahs. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1979, pp. 115-132.