Professional affiliation: – National Fighting Commission of Cuba, National Arbitrator. – Provincial Fighting Commission, Villa Clara, Cuba, President of the Scientific Council.
E-mail: jnoriega@uclv.cu and jnoriega@gmail.com
Publications Noriega. J. C .; Gonzalez. THE.; Spear. A. (2019). Planning of special force training in school fighters: some considerations. Action Magazine. Vol 15, January-December. E-ISSN: 1812-5808, http://accion.uccfd.cu Noriega. J. C. González. Spear. A. (2020). Procedures to plan the preparation of the force in youth fighters. Journal of Physical Culture and Sports of Guantánamo ISSN: 2519-9455 RNPS: 2286. Vol.10, No.1. famadeportes.cug.co.cu Noriega Gómez, J., Lanza Bravo, A. C., & González Duarte, L. A. (2020). Methodological treatment to plan strength training in 16-18 year old wrestlers: diagnostic study. Conrado Magazine, 16 (76), 207-214. Noriega Gómez, J., Lanza Bravo, A. C., & González Duarte, L. A. (2020). Basic exercises for working with weights in fighters aged 16-18 years: considerations. University and Society Magazine, ISSN: 2218-3620. Vol. 12, No. 6.
Area of interest: Strength preparation, Training planning in school and youth categories. Brief Bibliography: Date of birth: November 23, 1959.
Place of birth: Santa Clara. Villa Clara.
Cuba Profession: Graduate in Physical Culture. Occupation: Specialist in Science Technology and Environment.
Participate in two National School Games, in the category 13-14 years, in which you obtain: – Silver medal 1972, selected for the preselection that would participate in the 1st World School Championship to be held in Peru. – Bronze medal 1973. In the youth category: – Silver medal 1974. – Bronze medal 1975. – National tournaments under 20 years old, achieves two bronze medals and a fourth place. In 1975, he was called to the Escuela Superior de Perfeccionamiento Atlético (ESPA) in the city of Havana, he suffered an injury in the 1st Category National Championship that took him away from the mattresses. In 1977, he participated in Provincial Championships, selected as the most technical athlete, on three occasions and was part of the provincial teams for National Championships until 1983. I
n 1985, he began as a provincial arbitrator and in 1986, he was evaluated as a 3rd National Category, in 2005, he was evaluated as a national referee, 1st Superior Category. He participated in: – 8 Pioneer Cups. – 12 Editions of the National School Games. – 10 Editions of the National Youth Olympics. – 8 National Team Tournaments under 20 years old. – 10 National Championships of 1st Category. – 6 Granma and Cerro Pelado international tournaments.
Coach for more than 10 years, in the Combinado Deportivo José Martí Pérez de Santa Clara, winner of several municipal championships, promoting athletes for the National Pioneer Cup in both sexes, as well as for the provincial EIDE, many of them reaching National Championships in different categories.
Provincial Commissioner of Struggles in Villa Clara in the period 2014-2018. In 2007, he began his Bachelor’s degree in Physical Culture at the “Manuel Fajardo” Faculty of Villa Clara, ongoing by meeting, he stands out in the participation in award exams and scientific events, achieving an index of 5.24 points. Deserving of the condition of excellence in scientific research, most comprehensive student and gold title for the 2011-2012 academic year. Member of the research project “Teaching and Improving the way of fighting in combat sports” of the Faculty of Physical Culture of the Central University “Marta Abreu” of Las Villas, has participated in several scientific events including: National Science Forum and Technique, Havana 2008, 2009, 1st Scientific Conference of the Fight in Villa Clara, 2009; National Scientific Day of the Cuban Federation of Struggles, 2015 in the province of Santiago de Cuba; IX International University Teaching Seminar of the University of Cienfuegos, 2018; Scientific Conference “Public Administration and Sustainable Sports” of the National Institute of Sports (INDER) La Habana, 2018, Scientific Workshop on Physical Education, Sports Initiation and School Sports, in the province of Sancti Spíritus 2019. He has also given lectures on the preparation of muscle strength in different categories in combat sports. He has received numerous specialty and postgraduate courses, in addition to the curricular design of the Doctoral Program in Physical Culture Sciences of the Faculty of Physical Culture of the Central University “Marta Abreu” of Las Villas, of which he is a student.