Faculdade de Motricidade Humana da Universidade de Lisboa
Estrada da Costa, 1465-688 Cruz Quebrada, PORTUGAL
Tel.: +351 214 144 206
Fax.: +351 214 151 248
• Teaching at Faculty of Human Kinetics of Lisbon University – Sport and Health Department
• Vice-President in Olympic Athletes Association of Portugal
• Head-coach in Human Kinetics Faculty Wrestling Team
• Course Lecturer of the Police Intel School for Chief Inspector – Methodology of Training Physical Qualities assignment
• Course Lecturer in the Sailing Federation of Portugal for Pedagogic Content Knowledge assignment
• Member of the Scientific Committee of the Journal of Asian Martial Arts edición USA
• Investigator member of Interdisciplinary Centre for the Study of Human Performance (CIPER), Faculty of Human Movement, University of Lisbon, Portugal
• Investigator Member at Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology of Institute University of Lisbon
• Conference Program Committee member: XXIVth International Cycling History Conference
Martins, P. (2010). Olympic Wrestling – The Pedagogic Content Knowledge (1ª ed.). Lisbon: FMH-Editor. (Portuguese language)
Martins, P. (2005) A brief description of the wrestling techniques in The Royal Book of Jousting, Horsemanship & Knightly Combat. Translation into English of King Dom Duarte of Portugal’s 1438 treatise, Livro da Ensinaça De Bem Cavalgar Toda Sela, “The Art of Riding on Every Saddle”. By António Franco Preto. Steven Muhlberger (ed.) Highland Village. Texas. USA.
Martins, P., Rosado, A., Ferreira, V., Biscaia, R., & Correia, A. (2012, 14 – 16 May). The relationship between motivational orientation and engagement levels among soccer players. Paper presented at the 3rd World Conference on Science and Soccer, Ghent-Belgium. Biscaia, R., Correia, A., Rosado, A., Martins, P., & Ferreira, V. (2012, 14 – 16 May). The relationship between service
quality and behavioural intentions among the members of Sport Lisboa e Benfica. Paper presented at the 3rd World Conference on Science and Soccer, Ghent-Belgium. Rosado, A., Martins, P., Ferreira, V., & Gomes, R. (2011, 12 – 17 July). Validation of the portuguese version of the athlete engagement questionnaire. Paper presented at the Sport and Exercise Psychology: Human Performance, Well-Being and Health, Madeira – Portugal. Martins, P., Rosado, A., Ferreira, V., & Gomes, R. (2011, 120-017 July). Determinants of engagement in sport combats. Paper presented at the Sport and Exercise Psychology: Human Performance, Well-being and Health, Madeira – Portugal. Martins, P., Rosado, A., Ferreira, V., & Gomes, R. (2011). Combat Sports and Determinants of Sport Engagement in Portuguese Athletes. Paper presented at the Scientific Congress on Martial Arts and Combat Sports, Viseu-Portugal. Cabrita, T., Rosado, A., Sousa, P., & Martins, P. (2011). Athletic Identity in Combat Sports. Paper presented at the Scientific Congress on Martial Arts and Combat Sports, Viseu-Portugal.Martins, P., Rosado, A., Ferreira, V., & Gomes, R. (2010). Athletes Gender, Age, Academic and Competitive Level as Determinants of Sport Engagement. Paper presented at the 2nd World Scientific Congress of Combat Sports and Martial Arts. Cabrita, T., Rosado, A., Sousa, P., & Martins, P. (2010). Athletic Identity and its Relation to Age and Gender in Combat Sports. Paper presented at the 2nd World Scientific Congress of Combat Sports and Martial Arts. Martins, P., Peixoto, C., & Ferreira, V. (2010). Análise Comparativa entre “flic-flac à retaguarda” da Ginástica e a “cintura para trás” nas Lutas. In M. C. Bortoleto, M. d. Oliveira & L. Pasqua (Eds.), Anais do II Seminário Internacional de Giástica Artística e Rítmica de Competição (pp. 395). São Paulo – Brazil: Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Martins, P. (2009). Empenhamento Motor em Desportos de Combate. Paper presented at the 3º Congresso de Treinadores de Língua Portuguesa, Lisboa. Martins, P., Peixoto, C., & Ferreira, V. (2009, 23 – 25 October). Análise Funcional da Cintura para Trás e do Flic-flac. Paper presented at the International Congress of Gymnastics, Oeiras – Portugal. Martins, P., Rosado, A., Ferreira, V., & Raimundo, S. (2009). Engagement in Sport – A study in Wrestling. Paper presented at the SCIENTIFIC CONGRESS ON MARTIAL ARTS AND COMBAT SPORTS, Viseu. Martins, P., Rosado, A., Ferreira, V., & Raimundo, S. (2009). Instructional Design and Learning- Wrestling, a case study! Paper presented at the SCIENTIFIC CONGRESS ON MARTIAL ARTS AND COMBAT SPORTS, Viseu. Rosado, A., Januário, N., Mesquita, I., & Martins, P. (2008). Developmental Reasons for School Sports Dropout. In J. Cabri, F. Alves, D. Araújo, J. Barreiros, J. Diniz & A. Veloso (Eds.), Book of Abstracts of the 13º Annual Congress of ECSS (pp. 141). Estoril: Europeen College of Sport Science. Martins, P., Rosado, A., & Mesquita, I. (2008). Wrestling Coaches and Educational Needs. In J. Cabri, F. Alves, D. Araújo, J. Barreiros, J. Diniz & A. Veloso (Eds.), Book of Abstracts of the 13º Annual Congress of ECSS (pp. 223). Estoril: Europeen College of Sport Science. Martins, P., Costa, J., Rodrigues, J., Vieira, K., Santos, T., & Alves, V. (2007). Planeamento e Periodização em Luta. Paper presented at the Congresso Científico de Artes Marciais e Desportos de Combate, Viseu. Martins, P. (2007). O Resultado da Aprendizagem na Lógica do Combate. Paper presented at the Congresso Científico de Artes Marciais e Desportos de Combate, Viseu. Rosado, A.; Januário, N.; Mesquita, I.; Martins, P. (2006) Abandono da Prática do Desporto Escolar. Resumos do 7º Congresso Nacional de Educação Física. Maia. 23, 24 e 25 de Novembro de 2006 Martins, P., & Rosado, A. (2006). Concepções Didácticas no Ensino da Luta – Nível Introdutório. Paper presented at the 7º Congresso Nacional de Educação Física, Maia. Martins, P., & Rosado, A. (2006). Concepções Didácticas no Ensino da Luta. In Rev Bras Educ Fís Esporte, São Paulo, Vol. 20, pp. 486, Set 2006, Suplemento nº 5. Martins, P., & Rouco, C. (2005). Effort Profiling During Orienteering Trackfield. Paper presented at the World Congress de l’ Association Internacional des École Supérior de Éducacion Physique, Lisbon. Martins, P., & Rosado, A. (2005). Teachers Attitudes to Sport Combats at School. Paper presented at the 10th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Belgrad.
Former Wrestling Activity
1996 – 2002 – Assistant coach in the Portuguese Wrestling Team
1995 – Head Coach in the Portuguese Wrestling Team
Athletic Career
14 times National Champion Greco-Roman style;
7 times National Champion by team’s for Sport Lisboa e Benfica;
8 times winner of Portugal Cup’s;
Several international holdings including grand Prix’s, Europeans, World Championships and Olympics in Barcelona ’92.
Current Areas of Interest: Psychology; Pedagogic Content Knowledge