Kyrgyz Repablic, ind/ 720064, s. Bishkek, 6 мur-n, d. 15/1, sq. 51, Tel.: 996 (312) 52 13 57; t/faks 996 (312) 57 04 66, 996 (772) 39 37 00
Nationality: Kyrgyz
Experience work:
2005 (the October) on present time Kyrgyzskaya state academy of the physical culture and sport (KGAFKIS) проректор on scientific work and external relationship.
2010 editor-in-chief of the republican journal “Herald of the physical culture and sport”.
2010 professor on professions “pedagogicall”.
1997 assistant professor on professions “pedagogica”.
1992-1994 Siberian state university physical culture and sport, Omsk (RF), candidate of the pedagogical sciences:
” prizewinner of the All-russian contest young scientist, denoted 100 International Olympic committee Moscow (1994).
” laureate Sibiriady young scientist Siberia and FAR EAST denoted 100 years International Olympic committee (Omsk, 1993);
1982-1988 gg.The Kirghiz state institute of the physical culture (Kyrgyzskaya state academy of the physical culture and sport).
” diploma with difference on professions physical education (atheletic specialization weightlifting).
” winner of the All-union student Olympiad on theories and methods of the physical culture and sport (1988).
The Author 110 scientific and scholastic-methodical work.
2010 Patent for useful model “Technical device партерно-district pulling for speed -power preparation fighter”. The Government agency on inventions and intellectual property Kyrgyzskoy Republics at Government Kyrgyzskoy Republics.
1997 “Theory and methods of the physical culture”, textbook for institute of the physical culture, in coauthorship with professor N. I. SHarabakinym.
1988-1996 gg. teacher, senior teacher of the pulpit theorist-pedagogical основ of the physical culture:
” realization of the educational program on general discipline “theory and methods of the physical culture” Professional skills, participation in development state document in sphere of the physical culture and sport:
2010 (the March-April) project to State concept of the development FKIS and plan action on her (its) realization.
2008 Project of the State program average-urgent developments of the physical culture and sport.
2008 Project to new editing of the Law KR About physical culture and sport.
2008 (the April-May). The Participation in functioning (working) the joint commitee on monitoring athletic object Kyrgyzskoy Republics.
2008 system Development of the monitoring the physical culture and sport in KR. cut-in separate indicator in form statistical report NSK KR 2005-2006 gg. Development to concepts of the development of the physical culture and
the sport in Kyrgyzskoy Republic. It Is Accepted for base of the State concept of the development of the physical culture and sport in Kyrgyzskoy Republic for a period of 2006-2010.
2004 (2001 first publishing) of the State Program on physical education учащихся average general educational institutions Kyrgyzskoy republics.
2001 Positions. About physical education schoolchildren average general educational institutions Kyrgyzskoy Republics.
State Awards:
” “Well-earned workman of the physical culture and sport Kyrgyzskoy Republics” (2009) Departmental and other awards:
” jubilee medal Home office KR (2010);
” medal of the Interstate fund humanitarian cooperation state participant C.I.S. confederacies (2010);
” gold(en) medal of the National research institute MO Republics Kazakhstan (2010);
” medal ZAO “Caravan Holding” Republic Uzbekistan (2008);
” нагрудный sign “-student of the physical culture and sport KR” (2007);
” Honourable грамота Ministry of the formation and sciences KR (2006).