
Date of birth: October 12.02, 1966

Place of birth: Kiev, Ukraine

Nationality: Ukrainian

Marriage status: married

Languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English


1 September 1982- 17 June 1987: Sport Faculty, Kiev State Institute of Physical Culture, Kiev, Ukraine. Diploma with a distinction in Physical Culture and Sport, MSc.

2 October 1998 – October 2001: Post-graduate study at the Department of Medical Informatics, Scientific Centre of Informative Technology and Systems. National Academy of Science of Ukraine. PhD thesis: “Peculiarities of physical development and forming of psychophysiological functions in youth school in different forms of education”. Defended in National Taras Shevchenko University of Kiev (2001).

3 Doctor of Biology Sciences thesis: “Psychophysiological states during training and competition in Olympic kinds of wrestling”. Defended in National Taras Shevchenko University of Kiev (2015).


1998-2001: PhD Student at the Department of Medical Informatics, Scientific Centre of Informative Technology and Systems. National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine.

2001-2003: Younger scientific researcher at the Department of Medical Informatics, Scientific Centre of Informative Technology and Systems. National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine.

2003-2009: Associative professor at the Department of Psychology, kiev International University, Kiev, Ukraine

2010-2014: Doctor of Science student at the Department of Physiology of Human and Animal Kiev National University named Taras Shevchenko

2014-2016: As. Professor at the Department of Sport Biology, National University of Physical Education, Kiev, Ukraine.

2016-2018: Professor at the of Medical Biological Department, National University of Physical Education, Kiev, Ukraine.

2018 to date: Professor at the of Psychology Department, National University of Physical Education, Kiev, Ukraine.

2008 to date: Psychologist of Ukrainian National Teams of Greco-Roman wrestling, Female wrestling and Freestyle wrestling, Kiev, Ukraine

Current research interests: Main research interest of psychophysiological and psychological diagnostics in sportsmen.

Social science research. I have diverse interests, which include social science research aimed at moral and ethics in sport.


Journal Articles (all – peer review)

1. Кorobeynikov G. Korobeynikova L. Physical development and psychical function states in junior schoolchildren. Bratislavske lekarske listy.- 2003, v. 104 (3), p. 125-130.

2. Georgiy Korobeynikov, Lesia Korobeynikova, Karine Mazmanian, Wladislav Jagello Psychophysiological states and motivation in elite judokas. Archives of Budo Science of Martial Arts , v. 6, 2010, p. 129-136 www.archbudo.com

3. Korobeynikov G., Korobeynikova L., Mazmanian K., Jagello W. Diagnostics of psychophysiological states and motivation in elite athletes. J. Bratislava Medical Journal, 2011;11: 637-643.

4. Korobeynikov G., Korobeynikova L. Psychophysiological states in athletes. J. Acta Physiologica, 2011; 203:219.

5. Korobeynikov G., Korobeynikova L., Chernozubz A. Psychophysiological peculiarities of sexual dimorphism in athletes J. Psychology Research, 2012; 6: 336-343.

6. Кorobeynikov G., Korobeynikova L. Age, psycho-emotional states and stress resistance in elite wrestlers. International Journal of Wrestling Science, 2013; 3 (1): 58-70.

7.Korobeynikov G.,Korobeynikova L.Psychophysiological Diagnostics of the Functional States inWrestlers.International Journal of Wrestling Science 2013;.3 (2): 5-14.

8.Korobeynikov G.,Korobeynikova L.The autonomicregulation of heart rate of athleteswith differentlevelsof sensormotor response, J.Clinical & Experimental Cardiology,2013:4-8,.

9.КorobeynikovG.,Korobeinikova L.,Latyshev S.Individualization of training in wrestlers.InternationalJournal of WrestlingScience,2014,V.4(2):28-33.

10.Korobeynikov G.Korobeinikova L.Stress Resistance to Emotional Tension Condition in Elit Athletes.Journalof Cardiology &Current Research,2014.Vol. 1 (1):1-4.

11.Korobeynikov G.V.,Latyshev S.V.,Latyshev N.V.,Goraschenko A.U.,Korobeynikova L.G.Generallawsofcompetition dueland universalrequirementsto technical-tacticfitnessofelite wrestlers.PhysicalEducation ofStudents, 2016;1:37-42.

12.Korobeynikov G.V.,Latyshev S.V.,Latyshev N.V.,Goraschenko A.U.,Korobeynikova L.G.Generallawsofcompetition dueland universalrequirementsto technical-tacticfitnessofelite wrestlers.PhysicalEducation ofStudents, 2016;1:37-42.

13.KorobeinikovaL.,KorobeynikovG.Heartrate regulation and stressresistence ofelite athletesJournalof Integrative Cardiology.-2016.-2(2).-Р.32-37.

14.KorobeynikovG., KorobeinikovaL., IermakovS., Nosko M.Reaction ofheart rate regulation to extreme sportactivity in elite athletesJournal of Physical Education and Sport.-2016.-v.16.-P. 976–981.

15.KorobeynikovG., KorobeinikovaL., Mytskan B., Cynarsk W. Information processing and emotionalresponse in elite athletes. Journal ofMartial ArtsAnthropology.-2017.-17 (2).-41–50.

Member of:

Ukrainian Physiological Scientific Society.

NAJAF KOSARIFather Name: BalaoghlanDate of born: 1973ID NO: 2118Adress: flat 51. MohebanAley,khazane bokharaee, first square,Tehran, Iran.Phone number: +982155060624Mobile phon: +989123453394Education experience

MAof Physicaleducation (Biomechanic) brojerd Iran Sance 2011.Comparison ofmuscular strength in two groups ofelite middle weight Greco-Roman andfreestyle wrestlers. (Internationalphysical Education of kongereh:Tehran 2014).

The Impact of Pregnancy on staticBalance and Change of the UprightPosture: AComparison between Athletic and Non-athletic Women after the Childbirth. (Internationalphysical Education of kongereh: Tehran 2014).BAOF physical Education and sport science of Islamic Azad University since 2006.Diploma 1992 Tehran-Iran.The FILA scientife poster. (2012–Bodapest HUN).The role of sport in touistand sijhtseeing industry. (2014 –Tehran).WorkexperienceThe 1nd international FILA seientific sysposium. (2014 –Tehran).The FILA scientife symposium. (2012 –Bodapest HUN).Volunteerism and university sport associtions. (2012 –Tehran).Role of sport event in preserving national and internationalculture .(2012 –Tehran).The 3rd international sportscientifie Confferenceof Asian universities.(2012 –Tehran).Strategic planning in university sport. (2012 –Tehran).NAIA, NIA,rsity sport within universities. (2012 –Tehran).Sports talentidentification (2012–Tehran).Coach of Kargaran gym (1996-2002).Coach of takhti-Shahre Rey gym (2002-2003).Coach of wrestling team oftejarat Bank.Coach ofzarrin –Bagher shahr gym (2003-2004).Assistance of tejarat bank (for 5 years).