Thomas D. KOHL, MD


Affiliation: Berkshire Family Medicine, P.C.

Comprehensive Athletic Treatment Center, Wyomissing, PA

Current area of interest: Sports Dermatology

Completed wrestling research:

T. D. Kohl, D. C. Martin, and M. S. Berger. Comparison of topical and oral treatments for tinea gladiatorum. Clin J Sport Med 9 (3):161-166, 1999.

T. D. Kohl, D. C. Martin, R. Nemeth, and D. L. Evans. Wrestling Mats: Are They a Source of Ringworm Infections? J Athl Train 35 (4):427-430, 2000.

T. D. Kohl, D. C. Martin, R. Nemeth, T. Hill, and D. Evans. Fluconazole for the prevention and treatment of tinea gladiatorum. Pediatr Infect Dis J 19 (8):717-722, 2000.

T. D. Kohl and M. Lisney. Tinea gladiatorum: wrestling’s emerging foe. Sports Med 29 (6):439-447, 2000.

T. D. Kohl, D. P. Giesen, Jr J. Moyer, and M. Lisney. Tinea Gladiatorum: Pennsylvania’s Experience. Clin J Sport Med 12 (3):165-171, 2002.

T. D. Kohl, R. Emrich, J. Moyer, D. P. Giesen, T. Ventresca, R. Sacco, J. Maryniak, T. Bartley, G. Thompson, M. Blimline, D. Harmon, and K. A. Kohl. Are There Carriers Of Ringworm Among Competitive Wrestlers? Clinical journal of sport medicine 14:311, 2005. (Abstract)