Faculty of Physical Culture in Gorzow Wielkopolski., Academy of Physical Education in Poznan, Department of Sports Medicine and Biochemistry (now Department of Physiological Sciences), position – assistant
Selected Papers:
XIX International Scientific Conference: Trends in improving training and sportsmanship; “The role of growth factors maintain optimal skeletal muscle mass in wrestlers of the national team in a classic style, “Spala 2010
Academy of Physical Education in Poznan: The role of myokines and growth factors in maintaining optimal weight and skeletal muscle strength in men over 60 y
Effect of sport and hypoxic training on regeneration and skeletal muscle adaptation to exercise in wrestlers in a classic style
Kasperska Anna, Żurek Piotr, Zembroń-Łacny Agnieszka: The level of pro-inflammatory cytokines and reactive oxygen species in wrestlers compared to non-athletes. Journal of Combat Sports and Martial Arts 2010, 1(2) s. 91-94; IC 4,37 9. Kasperska Anna, Żurek Piotr, Zembroń-Łacny Agnieszka: Level of insulin-like growth factor in greco-roman wrestlers. Journal of Combat Sports and Martial Arts 2011, 2(1) s. 19-22; IC 4,37
Żurek Piotr, Kasperska Anna, Krzysztoszek Marcin, Hübner-Woźniak Elżbieta, Zembroń-Łacny Agnieszka: Expression of serum HSP27 under exercise-induced muscle damage in elite greco-roman wrestlers. Journal of Combat Sports and Martial Arts 2013, 4(2) s. 113-118