Karolina Valerieva GROZDANOVA, PhD
PhD student at National Sports Academy, Sofia
Successful national and international wrestler in Bulgaria. As a coach – taking prizes in national championships. At the International Wrestling Championships – medalists and prizes in class championships of the International Wrestling Calendar.
Education: National Sports Academy “Vasil Levski”
BSc Bachelor – Freelance Trainer ; Diploma Thesis: Technical and tactical analysis of the Olympics skirmishes Beijing (2008) and London (2012) in the 72 kg category, women’s fight
BSc Bachelor – Physical Education, Teacher of Physical Education, Pedagogy ; Diploma work: Influence of wrestling and karate on the equilibrium resistance of students from the lower secondary stage of the primary
educational level
ACS Master – Sports Management ; Diploma Thesis: Managerial Approaches to Functional / Power / Training of Writers in Sports Schools as a Model for Enhancing its performance.
ACS PhD student – “Theory and Methodology of Sports Science”. Subject of Doctoral Work: “Influence of speed-force qualities on the technical-tactical mastery in women free fight ”
Work experience:
Primary School “Vasil Aprilov” – Sofia. Teacher of Physical Education and Sport.
“Nikola Velchev” Sports School – Samokov / August 2016 – August 2017 / – Teacher of sports training / wrestling coach /
Organizes and conducts a training and training process for children from preparatory groups, as well as conducting a purposeful training and contesting process in the age of girls, cadets , girls and women, occupying prizes in state and international championships.
Vassil Levski Sports School – Kyustendil Sport Training / Wrestling Coach / – August 2015 – August 2016
Organizes and conducts a training and training process for children from preparatory groups, a training process for girls in age groups of girls, cadets and girls. Also a fitness-training process by type of fitness “Fitness”.
Posts: Grozdanova, K., Makaveev, R. , Article in Sport and Science Magazine – issue 4/2014, topic: Comparative analysis of the applied techniques in tactical action in the female struggle of MT “Dan Kolov”
Chamishki, D. , Grozdanova, K. Article in Sport and Science Magazine – issue 4/2014, topic: Comparative analysis of the applied techniques and tactical actions and their point efficiency by MT Petko Sirakov – Ivan Iliev, in compliance with the previous and current racing rules wrestling.
Chamishki , E. , Grozdanova, K. Article in Sport and Science Magazine, issue 4/2014, topic: Technical efficiency in the two styles of Bulgarian and Russian fighters from MTC “Petko Sirakov – Ivan Iliev”, 2014
– Naydenova, K., Grozdanova, K., Penov, R. magazine article “Sport and Science” – number 3/201 5 topic: Study of the state of static equilibrium sustainability in students from the lower secondary stage of basic education .
Grozdanova, K. Exploring the opinion of elite coaches fighting for the role and place of speed-training. Sports and Science / 2018