Federal Coach, Lecturer at university, discipline: wrestling
Institution/Organization: Romanian Wrestling Federation, University Valahia Tirgoviste, Faculty of Physical Education and sport Mailing Address: Bucuresti, Strada Liviu Rebreanu nr. 46-58,Bl. 6, Ap. 34, sector 3
Current Areas of Interest:
Female Wrestling, free style wrestling. (Training methodology, Specific strength development)
Completed Wrestling Research: Wrestling revitalization– a possible alternative – program », Romanian Wrestling Federation, Bucharest, 2012, ISBN (978-973-0-12179-7), co-author;
Training preparation guide at Olympic Women’s Wrestling », PhD Thesis, U.N.E.F.S. Bucharest, 2010;
The Wrestler– about human development, the human ability to wrestle ». International Scientific Session Psychomotor activities from interdisciplinary perspective”.Bucharest University, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Department of Physical Education and Sports, 4.12. 2009. Publishing University of Bucharest, 2009, ISSN 1843-7079, author;
The developments of the psychomotor capabilities throgh the specific and the non-specific wresling tehiques » – Publisher Cartea Universitară, Bucharest, 2007, ISBN (10)973-731-464-6;ISBN (978-973-731-464-2), first-author;
Wrestlings – the methodical training of the Olympic Cycle 2005-2008 in the perspective of the 2012 Olympic Games » – Romanian Wrestling Federation, Bucharest, 2006, ISBN (973-0-04375-2.978-973-0-04375-4), co-author;
Wrestling Games – Publisher Cartea Universitară, Bucharest, 2005, ISBN (973-731-245-7),