Studied at NSA”Vasil Levski”Sofia
Bulgarian freestyle athlete at 66kg
coach: Ivan Delchev Ivanov
Bulgarian Champion junior at 66kg 2005
2x times second place’04,’05 at FILA tournament Petko Sirakov,Bulgaria(junior) at 66kg
World and Europe team member for juniors at 66 kg 2005
Bulgarian Champion senior 2005,2009 at 66kg
Europe team member for senior 2009
2X times second place’08,’09 at FILA tournament Dan Kolov,Bulgaria(senior) at 66kg
1st place at FILA tournamnet Macedonian Pearl’05 Skopje(senior) at 66kg
1st place at second German Bundesliga Team Eintracht-Walheim(Aachen) season ’07- 74kg
3th place at second German Bundesliga Team Eintracht-Walheim(Aachen)season ’10-74kg
2nd place at second German Bundesliga Team Eintracht-Walheim(Aachen)season ’11-74kg
Overtime School of Wrestling Coach, Naperville, IL
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