Regional Ministry of Sport Vojvodina / and Wrestling federation of Serbia.
Member of UWW Technical Commision
1982 Graduate defended a thesis entitled “Influence of anaerobic capacity to succeed in wrestling.” Postgraduate studies Faculty of Physical Education in Belgrade:”Comparison of the results achieved at the World Championships in Greco-Roman wrestling in 1997 and 1998.” PhD from Faculty of Sports and Tourism in Novi Sad –dissertation: “INFORMATION SYSTEM MODELING FOR COMPLEX ANALYSIS OF WRESTLING COMPETITION”
FILA lecturer at a seminar organized by the World wrestling federation (FILA) in Madrid 2006. “Application of information technology in wrestling”
1. Dokmanac, M., (1982): Effect of anaerobic capacity to succeed in wrestling, diploma thesis, Faculty of Physical Education in Zagreb;
2. Dokmanac, M., (1987): Almanah Wrestling club “Slatina” Podravska Slatina 1972-1987. – the book, published and printed by Wrestling club “Slatina”; 3. Dokmanac, M., (1987): Annual Bulletin 1987. Wrestling club “Slatina” Podravska Slatina – yearbook, published and printed by Wrestling club “Slatina”;
4. Dokmanac, M., (1988): Annual Bulletin 1988. Wrestling club “Slatina” Podravska Slatina – yearbook, published and printed by Wrestling club “Slatina”;
5. Dokmanac, M., (1989): Annual Bulletin 1989. Wrestling club “Slatina” Podravska Slatina – yearbook, published and printed by RK “Slatina”;
6. Dokmanac, M., (1990): Annual Bulletin 1990. Wrestling club “Slatina” Podravska Slatina – yearbook, published and printed by RK “Slatina”;
7. Dokmanac, M., (1991): Annual Bulletin Wrestling club “Radnički” Sombor – Yearbook, published and printed by Wrestling club “Radnički” Sombor;
8. Dokmanac, M., (1995): Primary wrestling school, the book, published by Wrestling federation of Yugoslavia, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
9. Dokmanac, M., (1995): Information Bulletin “Wrestling I-1995.”, – semi-annual edition, the publisher Wrestling federation of Yugoslavia, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
10. Dokmanac, M., (1995): Information Bulletin “Wrestling II-1995.”,- semi-annual edition, the publisher Wrestling federation of Yugoslavia, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
11. Dokmanac, M., (1996): Handbook of physical education for elementary school, the book, the publisher of elementary school “S. Marinkovic “, Subotica, print Primary school “Sonja Marinkovic “, Subotica;
12. Dokmanac, M., (1996): Information Bulletin “Wrestling 1-1996.”, bi-monthly edition, the publisher Wrestling federation of Yugoslavia, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
13. Dokmanac, M., (1996): Information Bulletin “Wrestling 2-1996.”, bi-monthly edition, the publisher Wrestling federation of Yugoslavia, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
14. Dokmanac, M., (1996): Information Bulletin “Wrestling 3-1996.”, bi-monthly edition, the publisher Wrestling federation of Yugoslavia, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
15. Dokmanac, M., (1996): Information Bulletin “Wrestling 4-1996.”, bi-monthly edition, the publisher Wrestling federation of Yugoslavia, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
16. Dokmanac, M., (1996): Information Bulletin “Wrestling 5-1996.”, bi-monthly edition, the publisher Wrestling federation of Yugoslavia, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
17. Dokmanac, M., (1996): Information Bulletin “Wrestling 6-1996.”, bi-monthly edition, the publisher Wrestling federation of Yugoslavia, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
18. Dokmanac, M., (1996): Annual Bulletin 1996. Wrestling club “Prozivka” Subotica – yearbook, published by Wrestling club “Prozivka” Subotica, printed by «Grafolik» Belgrade;
19. Dokmanac, M., (1997): Annual Bulletin Wrestling federation of Serbia – 1997.”, yearbook, the publisher Wrestling federation of Serbia, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
20. Dokmanac, M., (1997): Annual Bulletin 1997. Wrestling club “Prozivka” Subotica – yearbook, published by Wrestling club “Prozivka” Subotica, printed by «Grafolik» Belgrade;
21. Dokmanac, M., (1997): Analysis wrestling tournament greco-roman style, Olimpics games »Atlanta -1996. – analisys, published by Wrestling club “Prozivka” Subotica, printed by «Grafolik» Belgrade;
22. Dokmanac, M., (1998): Annual Bulletin Wrestling federation of Serbia – 1998.”, yearbook, the publisher Wrestling federation of Serbia, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
23. Dokmanac, M., (1998): Statistics analysis Olympics games 1996. Atlanta. – analisys, published by Wrestling club “Prozivka” Subotica, printed by «Grafolik» Belgrade;
24. Dokmanac, M., (1998): Specificly tactics in wrestling match – saintics works, published by Wrestling federation of Yugoslavia, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;;
25. Dokmanac, M., (1998): Annual Bulletin 1998. Wrestling club “Prozivka” Subotica – yearbook, published by Wrestling club “Prozivka” Subotica, printed by «Grafolik» Belgrade;
26. Dokmanac, M., (1998): Technique wrestling, seminar on post-graduate studies, Faculty of Physical Education in Belgrade;
27. Dokmanac, M., (1999): Annual Bulletin Wrestling federation of Serbia – 1999.”, yearbook, the publisher Wrestling federation of Serbia, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
28. Dokmanac, M., (1999): Annual Bulletin 1999. Wrestling club “Subotica” Subotica – yearbook, published by Wrestling club “Subotica” Subotica, printed by «Grafolik» Belgrade;
29. Dokmanac, M., (2000): Analysis of test results of the camp participants promising wrestlers Serbia in 2000., scientific work, published by Wrestling federation of Serbia, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
30. Dokmanac, M., (2000): Analysis of the European Championship greco-romane style, – saintics works, published by Wrestling federation of Yugoslavia, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;;
31. Dokmanac, M., (2000: Statistics a
nalysis of the European Championship for juniors greco-romane style 2000., – saintics works, published by Wrestling federation of Yugoslavia, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;; 32. Dokmanac, M., (2000):
Annual Bulletin Wrestling federation of Serbia – 2000.”, yearbook, the publisher Wrestling federation of Serbia, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
33. Dokmanac, M., (2000): Annual Bulletin 2000. Wrestling club “Subotica” Subotica – yearbook, published by Wrestling club “Subotica” Subotica, printed by «Grafolik» Belgrade;
34. Dokmanac, M., (2001): Tactics wrestling. seminar on post-graduate studies, Faculty of Physical Education in Belgrade;
35. Dokmanac, M., (2001): Comparison of the results achieved at the world championships in Greco-Roman wrestling 1997th and 1998th, Master’s thesis, Faculty of Physical Education in Belgrade;
36. Dokmanac, M., (2001): Annual Bulletin Wrestling federation of Serbia – 2001.”, yearbook, the publisher Wrestling federation of Serbia, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
37. Dokmanac, M., (2001): Assessing the readiness of the best juniors Serbia on the weekend to prepare the basis of the tests – expert analysis, published Wrestling federation of Serbia, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
38. Dokmanac, M., (2001): Annual Bulletin 2001. Wrestling club “Subotica” Subotica – yearbook, published by Wrestling club “Subotica” Subotica, printed by «Grafolik» Belgrade;
39. Dokmanac, M., (2002): Statistical analysis World Championship, European Championship and Olympics games from 1993 to 2002., Publisher of Wrestling federation of Yugoslavia, the expert order, work “Grafolik” Belgrade;
40. Dokmanac, M., (2002): Information book – Wrestling – 1, bi-monthly edition, published by Wrestling federation Serbia&Montenegro, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
41. Dokmanac, M., (2002): Information book – Wrestling – 2, bi-monthly edition, published by Wrestling federation Serbia&Montenegro, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
42. Dokmanac, M., (2002): Information book – Wrestling – 3, bi-monthly edition, published by Wrestling federation Serbia&Montenegro, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
43. Dokmanac, M., (2002): Information book – Wrestling – 4, bi-monthly edition, published by Wrestling federation Serbia&Montenegro, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
44. Dokmanac, M., (2002): Information book – Wrestling – 5, bi-monthly edition, published by Wrestling federation Serbia&Montenegro, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
45. Dokmanac, M., (2002): Information book – Wrestling – 6, bi-monthly edition, published by Wrestling federation Serbia&Montenegro, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
46. Dokmanac, M., Modest Dulic., (2002): Study – Funding Sport and Physical Education of Subotica. – study, published by Professional Service Municipalities of Subotica;
47. Dokmanac, M., (2002): Project – Subotica Olympic candidates 2004 and 2008. – project, publisher Wrestling club „Subotica”
48. Dokmanac, M., (2002): Annual Bulletin 2002. Wrestling club “Subotica” Subotica – yearbook, published by Wrestling club “Subotica” Subotica, printed by «Grafolik» Belgrade;
49. Dokmanac, M., (2003): Problems of moving the junior to the senior competition, expert work, published by Wrestling federation of Serbia, published “Grafolik” Belgrade;
50. Dokmanac, M., (2003): Information book – Wrestling – 7, bi-monthly edition, published by Wrestling federation Serbia&Montenegro, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
51. Dokmanac, M., (2003): Information book – Wrestling – 8, bi-monthly edition, published by Wrestling federation Serbia&Montenegro, the press “Grafolik” Belgra
52. Dokmanac, M., (2003): Information book – Wrestling – 9, bi-monthly edition, published by Wrestling federation Serbia&Montenegro, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
53. Dokmanac, M., (2003): Information book – Wrestling – 10, bi-monthly edition, published by Wrestling federation Serbia&Montenegro, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
54. Dokmanac, M., (2003): Information book – Wrestling – 11, bi-monthly edition, published by Wrestling federation Serbia&Montenegro, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
55. Dokmanac, M., (2003): Wrestling for elementary and secondary schools (SOŠOV)., study, publisher of elementary school “Sonja Marinković”, Subotica, print PS “Sonja Marinković”, Subotica;
56. Dokmanac, M., (2003): Annual Bulletin 2003. Wrestling club “Subotica” Subotica – yearbook, published by Wrestling club “Subotica” Subotica, printed by «Grafolik» Belgrade;
57. Dokmanac, M., (2004): The development of wrestling in Serbia and Montenegro for 2004-2008., study, publisher by Wrestling federation Serbia&Montenegro, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
58. Dokmanac, M., (2004): Information book – Wrestling – 12, quarterly edition edition, published by Wrestling federation Serbia&Montenegro, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
59. Dokmanac, M., (2004): Information book – Wrestling – 13, quarterly edition, published by Wrestling federation Serbia&Montenegro, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade; 60. Dokmanac, M., (2004): Information book – Wrestling – 14 quarterly edition, published by Wrestling federation Serbia&Montenegro, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
61. Dokmanac, M., (2004): Annual Bulletin 2004. Wrestling club “Subotica” Subotica – yearbook, published by Wrestling club “Subotica” Subotica, printed by «Grafolik» Belgrade;
62. Dokmanac, M., (2005): Impact of new rules to combat wrestling, expert work at the symposium, published by the Provincial Institute of Sport in Vojvodina, the press “ALFA-graph” Novi Sad;
63. Dokmanac, M., (2005): Wrestling in the primary schools, expert work at the symposium, published by the Provincial Institute of Sport in Vojvodina, the press “ALFA-graph” Novi Sad;
64. Dokmanac, M., Ivošević, P. (2005): Development of strength and durability with baton, expert work at the symposium, published by the Provincial Institute of Sport in Vojvodina, the press “ALFA-graph” Novi Sad;
65. Dokmanac, M., (2005): Preparation and primary school wrestling, the book, published by Wrestling federation Serbia, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
66. Dokmanac, M., (2005: Information book – Wrestling – 15quarterly edition, published by Wrestling federation Serbia&Montenegro, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
67. Dokmanac, M., (2005: Annual Bulletin 2005 Wrestling club “Subotica” Subotica – yearbook, published by Wrestling club “Subotica” Subotica, printed by «Grafolik» Belgrade;
68. Dokmanac, M., (2005): The proposal changes the rules of wrestling – start in the parter position – analysis, publisher Wrestling federation Serbia&Montenegro, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
69. Dokmanac, M., (2006): Analysis of the European championship greco-romain style and freestyle2004 and 2005 years., expert work at the FILA trainers seminar in Rome, published by FILA, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
70. Dokmanac M, Pajo Ivosevic., (2006): Development of power senior wrestling team on basic preparations, expert work of the seminar, trainer, publisher Wrestling federation of Serbia, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
71. Dokmanac, M., (2006): Working to improve the power of senior wrestling team, expert work at the coach seminar, publisher Wrestling federation of Serbia, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
72. Dokmanac, M., (2006): Standard for monitoring the power of top wrestlers, exspert work at the coach seminar, publisher Wrestling federation of Serbia, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
73. Dokmanac, M., (2006): Testing the top and young wrestlers, expert work at the coach seminar, publisher Wrestling federation of Serbia, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
74. Dokmanac, M., (2006): Technics and statistics analysis World wrestling championship – China 2006, expert work at the FILA coach seminar in Madrid, published by FILA, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade
75. Dokmanac, M., (2006): Modeling information system for complex analysis of the wrestling competition, Ph.D. thesis, Faculty of Sports and tourism, Novi
76. Dokmanac, M., (2007): The project win Olympic medals in Beijing 2008., expert work at a coach seminar, publisher Wrestling federation of Serbia, the press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
77. Dokmanac M., Peric D., et all authors (2007): Strategy – the state of sports in Autonomous Region Vojvodina with proposals for strategy development, project – analysis, published by the Secretariat for Sports and Youth of Vojvodina, the publisher of “Printing” of the Executive Council of APV;
78. Dokmanac, M., Drid, P. and (2007): Effect of basic training program to power junior wrestlers and senior age, Proceedings of the 5th Annual International Conference “Conditioning athletes 2007”, Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb and the Association of fitness trainers;
79. Dokmanac, M., Drapšin, M., Drid, P. (2007); Fitness Levels of Serbian Junior Wrestling Team. The International Scientific Conference of the International Association of Sport Kinetics in cooperation with the Faculty of Physical Education University of Belgrade and the Olympic Committee of Serbia. Book of Abstracts, 25 Belgrade: Faculty of Physical Education;
80. Dokmanac, M., (2008): The development of power on basic preparations – seminar on coaching seminar, publishing Wrestling federation of Serbia, press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
81. Dokmanac, M., (2008): Technical analysis of the fight at the World Championships 2007. – expert work on coaching seminar, publisher Wrestling federation of Serbia, press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
82. Dokmanac, M., (2008): Proposed amendments to the rules of wrestling – Greco-Roman style – analysis, published Wrestling federation of Serbia, press “Grafolik” Belgrade;
83. Dokmanac, M., (2009): Models of the functioning of sports at the local level, book of the Secretariat for Sports and Youth of Autonomous province Vojvodina, printing – Printing Company of the Executive Council of Vojvodina N. Sad;
84. Dokmanac, M., (2010): The international rules of wrestling – translation from English FILA rules, book, published: Wrestling Federation Serbia, and Wrestling Federation Vojvodine, printing – Printing the Government of AP Vojvodina, N. Sad; 85. Dokmanac, M., (2010): Competitive techniques of the world’s top wrestlers – I, published by the Provincial Institute of Sports, printing – Printing the Government of AP Vojvodina, N. Sad;
86. Dokmanac, M., M. Kovachev, Ristic A., (2010): Minimum standards for sport competitions, published by the Secretariat for Sports and Youth of Vojvodina, printing – Printing the Government of AP Vojvodina, N. Sad;
1. Dokmanac, M., (1995): Primary school wrestling, video tape, released by Wrestling club “Prozivka” Subotica,
2. Dokmanac, M., and group authors (2003): Statistical analysis of the senior European Championship 2003 in Belgrade – CD ROM
3. Dokmanac, M., and group authors (2004): Statistical analysis of the qualification. tournament for the Olympics 2004 in Novi Sad – CD ROM
4. Dokmanac, M., and group authors (2005), Statistical analysis of the European Cup for Clubs – 2005 Zrenjanin – CD ROM
5. Dokmanac, M., (2005): Primary school wrestling, DVD, released by Wrestling club “Subotica”
6. Dokmanac, M., and group authors (2006), Statistical analysis of the European Cup for Clubs – 2006 Zrenjanin – CD ROM
AWARDS: BRONZE PLAQUE of world wrestling federation federation (FILA) was awarded at the European Junior Championships 2002 in Subotica.”AWARD JOVAN MIKIĆ-SPARTAKk”, from the Sports Association of Vojvodina 2003 in the category.of sports official.