1280 Main St. W. Hamilton Ontario L8S 4K1
Interests: I also coach free-style wrestling and was a member of Canada’s Olympic Team coaching staff at the 1988, 1992 and 1996 Olympic Games.
My research interests are related to my coaching involvement. Amateur wrestlers are notorious for losing excessive amounts of weight in a relatively short period of time by restricting food and fluid intake. The effects of this potentially dangerous practice on performance is the focus of my research.
N Cipriano. A technical-tactical analysis of freestyle wrestling. Journal of strength and conditioning research 7 (3):133-140, 1993.
N. Cipriano. A wrestler’s rights. Ontario wrestler (Toronto) 1984 (June/July):14-15, 1984.
N. Cipriano. Physical conditioning principles and protocols for amateur freestyle wrestling. NSCA J 9 (4):44-49, 1987.
N. Cipriano. Supplemental conditioning exercises and training protocols for the amateur wrestler. NSCA J 10 (5):32-35, 1988.
N. Cipriano. Freesyle wrestling: match analysis. Dissertation McMaster University. 1990.
N. Cipriano. Weight loss in amateur wrestling: is the practice justified? Coaching clinic 32 (1):1-6, 1993.
Shepley, B., MacDougall , D., Cipriano, N., Sutton, J., Tarnopolsky, M., & Coates, G. Physiological effects of tapering in highly trained athletes. Journal of Applied Physiology, 72(2), 1992.
Cipriano, N. Technical-tactical analysis of free-style wrestling. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 7(30), 1993.
Tarnopolsky, M., Cipriano, N., Woodcroft, C., Pulkinen, W., Robinson, D., Henderson, J. and MacDougall, M. Effects of Rapid Weight Loss and Wrestling in Muscle Glycogen Concentration. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 6:78-84, 1996.
Melissa, L., MacDougall, J.D., Tarnopolsky, M.A., Cipriano, N. and Green, H.J. Skeletal Muscle Adaptations to Training Under Normobaric Hypoxic vs. Normoxic Conditions. Med. Sci. Sports and Exerc. 29(2):8 pp., 1997.
Cipriano, N. and Curtis, M. Heart Rate Response of Amateur Wrestling Coaches Engaged in the Coaching Process. Ontario Physical and Health Education Association Journal. pp. 22-26, Spring, 1988.
Cipriano, N., Quinton, J. & A. Renner. Acute Weight Gain and Performance in High School Age Wrestlers. Ontario Physical and Health Education Journal, Winter 1999, pp. 20-22.