Institution/Organization: Police Academy “A. I. Cuza”
Mailing Address: mihaichirila_police@yahoo.com
Country: Romania
Current Areas of Interest: Wrestling – concept of performance, competitive model, model selection, model training, competitive effort quantification, rationalization of specific and nonspecific means training, mental preparation
Completed Wrestling Research:
1. Research and management complexity of effort and yield optimal means and methods in the preparation of integrated and competitive performance of the fighters from the Greco-Roman style,Edited by CCEFS, Bucureşti, 1987, 49 p.
2. Practice guidelines and training opportunities in modern wrestling, in the journal Physical Education and Sport, no. 8, Bucharest, 1988, p. 36-41
3. Research and optimal routing
complexity of the effort and efficiency of means and methods integrated in the training and competition performance fighters (Greco-Roman).Optimization models of fighters training and competition performance as a result of rationalization and standardization of training and measuring means. Edited by CCEFS – Bucharest, 1988, 108 pages
4. Contributions to the specific effort to redefine the competitive struggle under the new regulation and methodological implications in establishing basic methods of training and competitive process, CCEFS communication session of 25-26 May 1989, p. 22-32 in the booklet
5. Research and optimal routing complexity of the effort and efficiency of means and methods of integration in the training and competition performance fighters (classic style). Optimization models of fighters training and
competitive performance as a result of rationalization and standardization of training and measuring means, Edited by CCEFS – Bucharest, 1989, 96 pages
6. Settlement Studies and verify the most effective training methods, and optimization technologies in high performance sport wrestling, Edited by CCEFS – Bucharest, 1990, 124 pages
7. Optimizing training judo player based on objective information provided by evaluating the competition, (in collaboration), the annual scientific session of the National Academy of Physical Education (brochure), 4-6 March, Bucharest, 1999
8. Psychological aspects (cognitive and adjust operational) in self-defense sports, PhD paper, 1995 72 pages
9.Adapted to problematic behaviors and performance-aggressive opposition, PhD paper, 1996, 68 pp
10. Mental training (objectives, methodology, operationalization) of the subjects towards use of self-defense techniques, refarat doctoral, 30 pages
11. Contributions to redefine specific effort from fighting and its implications in the preparation of high performance fighters, International scientific conference of the National Research Institute for Sport 23-24.10.2003, in the booklet (p. 58-64);
12. Quantification and competitive training effort and its significance for the preparation of high performance wrestlers