Professional Affiliation: Scientific expert at the national center of medicine and science in sports Tunis Tunisia
Assistant professor Invited Researcher in Potsdam University Germany. University of Potsdam, Faculty of Human Sciences, Research Focus Cognition Sciences
Areas of Interest: Martial arts physiology; fitness assessment; fitness training
Brief biography: Helmi Chaabene has a doctorate in exercise physiology and master degree in fitness conditioning. He works currently as a scientific expert at the national center of medicine and science in sports Tunis Tunisia in charge of fitness training program monitoring of elite level athletes in various discipline, laboratory and field evaluation of elite level athletes, and conducting research in the field of sport science (i.e., training and performance optimization). His area of research includes martial arts physiology, validation of fitness assessment protocol; strength and/or balance training in youth athletes. Academic accomplishment includes more than 30 publications in the most leading sport science journal. He is an expert reviewer in more than ten sport science journals.
1. Chaabène H, Hachana Y, Franchini E, Mkaouer B, and Chamari K. Physical and physiological profile of elite karate athletes. Sports Medicine. 2012; 42 (10): 829-843. 2. Chaabène H, Hachana Y, Attia A, Mkaouer B, Chaabouni S, Chamari K. Relative and absolute reliability of karate specific aerobic test (KSAT) in experienced male athletes. Biology of Sport 2012; 29: 211-215 3. Chaabène H, Hachana Y, Franchini E, Mkaouer B, Montassar M, Chamari K. Reliability and construct validity of the karate specific aerobic test (KSAT). Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2012; 26(12):3454-60 4. Chaabène H, Franchini E, Miarka B, Selmi MA, Mkaouer B, and Chamari K. Time-motion analysis, physiological and rate of perceived exertion responses to karate official combats: is there a difference between winners and defeated karatekas? International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 2014 Mar;9(2):302-8. 5. Chaabène H , Mkaouer B, Franchini E, Souissi N, Selmi MA, Nagra N, Chamari K. Physiological Responses and Performance Analysis Difference Between Official and Simulated Karate Combat Conditions. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine, 2014; 5(1): 21-29. 6. Chaabène H, Hachana Y, Franchini E, Tabben M, Mkaouer B, Negra Y, Hammami M, Chamari K. Criterion related validity of karate specific aerobic test (KSAT). Asian Journal of Sports Medicine. 2015 September; 6(3): e23807. 7. Chaabène H, Tabben M, Mkaouer B, Franchini E, Negra Y, Hammami M, Amara S, Chaabène RB, and Hachana Y. Amateur Boxing: Physical and physiological attributes. Sports Medicine. Vol 45 (3), pp 337-352. 2015 8. Chaabène H, Franchini E, Sterkowicz S, Tabben M, Hachana Y, and Chamari K. The physiology of karate specific activities; Science&Sport. 2015: 30, 179-187. 9. Chaabène H, Hellara I, Ben Ghali F5, Franchini E, Neffati F, Tabben M, Najjar MF, and Hachana Y. Physiological stress and performance analysis to karate combat. Journal of Sport Medicine and Physical Fitness. 2016: 56(10), 1125-31. 10. Hachana Y, Attia A, Chaabène H, Gallas S, Haj Sassi R et Dotan R. Test-retest reliability and circadian performance variability of a 15-s Wingate Anaerobic Test. Biological Rhythm Research.2012; 43 (4): 413-421. 11. Hachana Y, Chaabène H, Mohamed Ali N, Attia A, Moualhi J, Farhat N et Elloumi M. Test retest reliability, criterion related validity, and minimal detectable change of the Illinois agility test in male team sport athletes. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2013 Oct;27(10):2752-9.
12. Mkaouer B, Jemni M, Amara S, Chaabène H, Tabka Z. Kinetic and kinematic analysis of counter movement jump versus two different types of standing back somersault. Science of Gymnastic Journal. 4(3): 61-71. 13. Mkaouer B, Jemni M, Amara S, Chaabène H, Tabka Z. Kinematic and kinetic analysis of two gymnastics acrobatic series to performing the backward stretched somersault. Journal of human kinetics. 2013 Jul 5;37:17-26. 14. Vando S, Filingeri D, Maurino L, Chaabène H, Bianco A, Salernitano G, Foti C, Padulo J. Postural Adaptations in Preadolescent Karate Athletes Due to a One Week Karate Training Camp. Journal of Human Kinetics 2013, (38) 45-52 15. Tabben M, Sioud R, Haddad M, Franchini E, Chaouachi A, Coquart J, Chaabane H, Chamari K, Tourny-Chollet C. Physiological and Perceived Exertion Responses during International karate kumite Competition. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine. Accepted: Aug 2, 2013. 16. Tabben M, Tourny-Chollet C, Haddad M, Chaabane H, Chamari K, Coquart J. Validity and reliability of the session-RPE method for quantifying training load in karate athletes. Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness. 2015 Apr 24. [Epub ahead of print] 17. Bridge C, da Silva Santos JF, Chaabène H, Pieter W, Franchini E. Physical and physiological profiles of taekwondo athletes. Sports Medicine. 2014. 44: 713-733. 18. Tabben M, Chaabène H, Franchini E, Tourny C. Chamari K, Coquart J. The influence of karate practice level and sex on physiological and perceptual responses in three modern karate training modalities. Biology of Sport. 2014 Aug; 31(3):201-7. doi: 10.5604/20831862.1111438. Epub 2014 Jul 15. 19. Franchini E, Tabben M, Chaabène H. Physiological responses during taekwondo training and competition. International Sports Medicine Journal. Vol.15 No.4, December 2014, pp.500-515. Available at URL: http://www.ismj.com. 20. Padulo J, Chaabène H, Tabben M, Haddad M, Gevat C, Vando S, Maurino L, Chaouachi A, Chamari K. The Construct Validity of Session RPE During an Intensive Camp in Young Male Karate Athletes. Muscle Ligament and Tendon. 2014 Jul 14;4(2):121-6. eCollection 2014. 21. Padulo J, Chamari K, Chaabene H, Ruscello B, Maurino I, Faina M, Silos IP, Migliaccio GM. The effect of one week training camp on motor skills in karate kids. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 2014 Dec;54(6):715-24. Epub 2014 Oct 7. 22. Mkaouer B, Jemni M, Amara S, Chaabène H, Padulo J, Tabka Z. Effect of Three Technical Arms Swings on The Elevation of the Center of Mass During a Standing Back Somersault. Journal of Human Kinetics. 2014 ; 40, 37-48. 23. Hachana Y, Chaabene H, Ben Rajeb G, Khlifa R, Aouadi R, Chamari K, Gabbett TJ. Validity and Reliability of New Agility Test among Elite and Subelite under 14-
Soccer Players. Plos One. 2014 Apr 21;9(4). 24. Tabben M, Coquart J, Chaabène H, Franchini E, Chamari K, Tourny C. Validity and Reliability of New Field Aerobic Karate Specific Test (KST) for Karatekas. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 2014 Nov;9(6):953-8. doi: 10.1123/ijspp.2013-0465. Epub 2014 Mar 11. 25. Attia A, Hachana Y, Chaabène H, Gaddour, A, Neji Z, Sheppard R, Chelly MS. Reliability and validity of a 20-s alternative to the Wingate anaerobic test in team sport male athletes. PlosOne, 2014 Dec 4;9(12):e114444. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0114444. eCollection 2014
26. Tabben M, Coquart J, Chaabène H, Franchini E, Ghoul N & Tourny C. Time-motion, tactical and technical analysis in top- level karatekas according to gender, match outcome and weight categories. Journal of Sport Science. 2015; 33(8):841-9. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2014.965192. 27. Amara S, Mkaouer B, Chaabène H, Negra Y, Hammami M, and Bouguezzi R. Effect of Plyometric Training on Young Athlete’s Performance According toBody Corpulence and Dropping Height. J Athl Enhancement 4:3.2015. 28. Amara S, Mkaouer B, Hammoudi Nassib S, Chaabene H, Hachana Y, Ben Salah FZ. Effect of Video Modeling Process on Teaching/Learning Hurdle Clearance Situations on Physical Education Students. Advances in Physical Education, 2015, 5, 225-233. 29. Negra Y, Chaabene H, Hammami M, Khlifa R, Gabbett T, and Hachana Y. Allometric scaling and age-related differences in change of direction speed performances of young soccer players. Science & Sports (2016). In press. 30. Negra Y, Chaabene H, Hammami M, Hachana Y. Granacher U. Effects of high-velocity resistance training on athletic performance in prepuberal male soccer athletes. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. In press. 31. Slimani M, Chaabene H, Miarka B, Chamari K. The Activity Profile of Elite Low-Kick Kickboxing Competition. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 2017, 12, 182-189. http://dx.doi.org/10.1123/ijspp.2015-0659 32. Negra Y, Chaabene H, Stoeggl T, Hammami M, Chelly MS, Hachana Y. Effectiveness and time course adaptation of resistance training vs. plyometric training in pre-pubertal soccer players. Journal of Sport and Health Science. In press. 33. Slimani M, Tod D, Chaabene H, Miarka B, Chamari K. Effects of mental imagery on muscular strength in healthy and patient participants: A systematic review. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. In press. 34. Negra Y, Chaabene H, Hammami M, Amara S, Sammoud S, Mkaouer B, Hachana Y. Agility in young athletes: is it a different ability from speed and power? Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. In press. 35. Slimani M, Chaabene H, Davis P, Franchini E, Chamari K. Performance Aspects and Physiological Responses in Male Amateur Boxing Competitions: A Brief Review. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. In press. 36. Amara S, Mkaouer B, Chaabene H, Negra Y, Hammoudi-Riahi S, Ben Salah FT. Kinetic and kinematic analysis of hurdle clearance of African and world champion athlete during 110m hurdles: A comparative study. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation 39(2). January 2017. 37. Slimani M, Chaabene H, Miarka B, Franchini E, Chamari K, Chéour F. Kickboxing review: anthropometrical, psychophysiological attributes, activity profile and injuries epidemic. Biology of Sport. Octobre 2016. In press 38. Chaabene H, Negra Y, Bouguezzi R, Mkaouer B, Franchini E, Julio U, Hachana Y. Physical and physiological attributes of wrestlers: an update. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. In press. 39. Yassine Y, Chaabene H, Sammoud S, Bouguezzi R; Abbes MA, Hachana Y, Granacher U. Effects of plyometric training on physical fitness in prepuberal soccer athletes. International Journal of Sports Medicine. In press. 40. Negra Y, Chaabene H, Amara S, Jaric S, Hammami M, Hachana Y. Evaluation of the Illinois change of direction test in youth elite soccer players of different age. Journal of Human Kinetics. In press.
41. Mkaouer B, Jemni M, Chaabene H, Amara S, Njah A, Chtara M. Effect of two Olympic rotation orders on cardiovascular and metabolic variables in men’s artistic gymnastics. Journal of Human Kinetics. In press. 42. Chaabene H & Negra Y. The effect of plyometric training volume in prepubertal male soccer players’ athletic performance. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. In press. 43. Sammoud S, Nevill AM, Negra Y, Bouguezzi R, Chaabene H, and Younés Hachana. Allometric Associations between Body Size, Shape, and 100-m Butterfly Speed Performance. Journal Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. In press. 44. Mkaouer B, Jemni M, Hammoudi-Nassib S, Amara S, Chaabene H. Kinematic analysis of postural control in gymnasts vs. athletes practicing different sports. Sport Sciences for Health. In press. 45. Negra Y, Chaabene H, Sammoud S, Bouguezzi R, Mkaouer B, Hachana Y, Granacher U. Effects of plyometric training on components of physical fitness in prepuberal male soccer athletes: The role of surface instability. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. In press. 46. Slimani M, Paravlic AH, Chaabene H, Davis P, Chamari K, Cheour F. Hormonal responses to striking combat sports competition: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Biol Sports. In press. 47. Chaabene H, Negra Y, Capranica L, Bouguezzi R , Hachana Y, Rouahi MA, and Mkaouer B. Validity and reliability of a new test of planned agility in elite taekwondo athletes. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. In press. 48. Tayech A, Mejri MA, Chaabene H, Chaouachi M, Behm DG, Chaouachi A. Test–retest reliability and criterion validity of a new Taekwondo Anaerobic Intermittent Kick Test. Journal Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. In press
Editorial Chaabene H. Strength Training in Youth: No Doubt, It’s Beneficial. Austin Sports Medicine. Published: August 17, 2016. Jlalia Z, Chaabene H. Vitamin D: The Unknown Roles. J Orthop Oncol 2017, 3:1 DOI:
10.4172/2472016X.1000e102 Chaabene H. Change of Direction Tasks: Does the Eccentric Muscle Contraction Really Matter? Scientific Pages Sports Med 2017, 1(1):1-2.
Books and book chapters
Book 1: Karate kumite: how to optimize performance, OMICS Group e-Book, Edt: OMICS Group incorporation. Edited by: Chaabene H. Published Dec 2015. http://www.esciencecentral.org/ebooks/karate-kumite-how-to-optimize-performance/
• Chaabene H, Franchini E. Introduction. In. Karate kumite: how to optimize performance, OMICS Group e-Book, Edt: OMICS Group incorporation. Edited by: Chaabene H. Published Dec 2015. • Chaabene H, Negra Y. Physical and physiological assessment. In. Karate kumite: how to optimize performance, OMICS Group e-Book, Edt: OMICS Group incorporation. Edited by: Chaabene H. Published Dec 2015.
• Franchini E, Ouergui I, and Chaabene H. Physiological characteristics of karate athletes and karate specific tasks. In. Karate kumite: how to optimize performance, OMICS Group e-Book, Edt: OMICS Group incorporation. Edited by: Chaabene H. Published Dec 2015. • Houcine N, Ouergui I, and Chaabene H. Training load monitoring. In. Karate kumite: how to optimize performance, OMICS Group e-Book, Edt: OMICS Group incorporation. Edited by: Chaabene H. Published Dec 2015. • Ouergui I, Houcine N, and Chaabene H. Physical determinants of karate kumite. In. Karate kumite: how to optimize performance, OMICS Group e-Book, Edt: OMICS Group incorporation. Edited by: Chaabene H. Published Dec 2015.
Book 2: The key physical and physiological attributes of competitive wrestling. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing https://www.lap-publishing.com/. Edited by Helmi Chaabene. 28-03-2017 (https://www.morebooks.de/store/gb/book/1/isbn/978-3-330-06402-7). https://www.amazon.com/Physical-Physiological-Attributes-Competitive-Wrestling/dp/3330064021 • Chaabene H. Introduction. In. The key physical and physiological attributes of competitive wrestling. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing https://www.lap-publishing.com/. Edited by Helmi Chaabene. 28-03-2017. • Chaabene H, Julio UF, Negra Y, Franchini E. Anthropometric Characteristics of Wrestlers. In. The key physical and physiological attributes of competitive wrestling. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing https://www.lap-publishing.com/. Edited by Helmi Chaabene. 28-032017. • Chaabene H, Bouguezzi R, Negra Y, Hachana Y. Physical attributes of wrestlers. In. The key physical and physiological attributes of competitive wrestling. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing https://www.lap-publishing.com/. Edited by Helmi Chaabene. 28-03-2017. • Chaabene H, Negra Y, Bouguezzi R, Jlalia Z, Franchini E. Physiological attributes of wrestlers. In. The key physical and physiological attributes of competitive wrestling. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing https://www.lap-publishing.com/. Edited by Helmi Chaabene. 28-032017. • Franchini E, Julio UF, Chaabene H. Physiological and performance responses to wrestling-specific match simulation and official competition settings. In. The key physical and physiological attributes of competitive wrestling. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing https://www.lap-publishing.com/. Edited by Helmi Chaabene. 28-03-2017. • Franchini E, Chaabene H, Artioli GG. Weight management in wrestling. In. The key physical and physiological attributes of competitive wrestling. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing https://www.lap-publishing.com/. Edited by Helmi Chaabene. 28-03-2017.