Luis CATITA, PhD Rest in Peace
Professor at Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, Instrutor at International Federation of Associated Wrestling Styles and Vice President at Federação Portuguesa de Lutas Amadoras
Professor at Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, Instrutor at International Federation of Associated Wrestling Styles and Vice President at Federação Portuguesa de Lutas Amadoras
Areas of Interest: Psychology of Youth Wrestling Participation
Vice-President (PhD Sport Science)
Mailing Address FEDERAÇÃO PORTUGUESA DE LUTAS AMADORAS, Rua da Lapa, 14 – 2º, 1700 – 702 Lisboa
Completed Wrestling Research: Catita, L. & Rodrigues, J. (2001). Psychological Interventions Influences on Behavioural Changes of Young Athletes Coaches, in A. Papaioannou, M. Goudas, Y. Theodorakis (Eds.). 10th World Congress of Sport Psychology Proceedings, vol. 2, pp. 213 – 214, Skiathos, Greece. ν Catita, L. & Rodrigues, J. (2002). The Influence of Coach’s Behaviour in The Perception of Young Athletes in Judo, in M. Koskolou, N. Geladas, V. Klissouras (Eds.). 7th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Sciences Proceedings, vol. 2, pp. 1025, Athens, Greece. ν Catita, L. & Rodrigues, J. (2003). The Psychological Intervention as an Efetive Instrument for a Diferent Behaviour of Coaches, in Reinhard Stelter (Eds.). XI European Congress of Sport Psychology Proceedings, pp.40, Copehagen, Denmark. Catita, L.; Atienza, L.; Corte-Real, N. Castillo, I. ; Corredeira, R.; Balaguer, I. & Fonseca, A. (2004). Análisis de la Invarianza del Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ) entre Adolescentes Espanoles y Portugueses, in Congresso Hispano – Português de Psicologia, Lisboa. ν Catita, L.; Brustad, R. & Fonseca, A. (2008). What Reasons Youth Indicate To Dropout Sport? 13th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Estoril, Portugal. ν Catita, L.; Brustad, R. & Fonseca, A. (2008). Why Do Young People Think of Dropping Out From Organized Sport? 13th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Estoril, Portugal. Sarmento, H., Marques, A., Martins, J., Catita, L., & Fonseca, A. (2012). Motivation in soccer – A comparison between professionals, semi-professionals and amateur players. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 44 (5), S461.