Member of UWW Scientific Commission
Biography at: http://kif.hr/mario.baic?@=5oh9#profile_prikaz_11025
Faculty of Kinesiology in Zagreb (Croatia) as wrestling scientist
Institution/Organization: Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, Horvaćanski zavoj 15, 10 000 Zagreb, CROATIA
Current Areas of Interest: coaching wrestlers, wrestling conditioning, individualization in wrestling training, sport law
1. Baić M., Plavec, G., Vračan, D., Marić, J. (2002): Analysis of anhropological status of advanced Croatian cadet wrestlers. In: Milanović, D., Prot, F. (eds.) Proceedings of the 3th International Scientific Conference „Kinesiology – New Perspectives“. Opatija, Croatia, 2002, (pp. 265-268). Zagreb: Faculty of Kinesiology at the University of Zagreb.
2. Plavec, G., Baić, M., Karninčić, H., Marić, J. (2002). Correlation of certain motor tests with performance of boys aged 12-13 in wrestling. In: Milanović, D., Prot, F. (eds.) Proceedings of the 3th International Scientific Conference „Kinesiology – New Perspectives“. Opatija, Croatia, 2002, (pp. 299-302). Zagreb: Faculty of Kinesiology at the University of Zagreb.
3. Baić, M., Starosta, W., Marić, J. (2003). Differences in level of selected motor abilities by Polish and Croatian cadet wrestlers in classical style. U Wlodzimierz Starosta i Wieslaw Osinski (ur), Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific Conference Sport Kinetics 2003 and 11th Conference Physical Education and Sport in Scientific Researches] “New ideas in Sport Sciences: Current issues and perspectives”; [“Aging and Physical Activity: Application to Fitness, Sport and Health”, Rydzyna (near Leszno), Poland, September 19-21,2003 (str. 27-30). (International Association of Sport Kinetics, Library series: Vol. 15). Warsaw; Poznan; Leszno: State School of Higher Vocational Education in Leszno.
4. Sertić, H., Segedi, I., Baić, M.(2005). One year martial arts training effects on some anthropological characteristics of 12-year old boys. U Dragan Milanović i Franjo Prot (ur.), Proceedings Book of the 4 rd International Scientific Conference “Kinesiology – New Perspectives”, Opatija, September 7-11, 2005 (str. 387 – 390). Zagreb: Faculty of Kinesiology.
5. Marić, J., Baić, M., Sertić, H., Vujnović, I. (2005). Metric characteristics of selected tests for the evaluation of basic training status in top level wrestlers. U Dragan Milanović i Franjo Prot (ur.), Proceedings Book of the 4 rd International Scientific Conference “Kinesiology – New Perspectives”, Opatija, September 7-11, 2005 (str. 435-438). Zagreb: Faculty of Kinesiology.
6. Baić, M., Sertić, H., Segedi, I. (2005): Differences in some anthropological characteristics between boys engaged in Martial arts and boys non-athletes aged 12. In J. Sadowski (Ed.), Proceedings book of International Scientific Conference, Biala Podlaska “Coordination motor abilities in scientific research” (pp. 415-421). Biala Podlaska: Jozef Pilsudski Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw & Faculty of Physical Education in Biala Podlaska;
7. Starosta, W. Baić, M. & Sertić, H. (2005). Reliability of the chosen Polish test for evaluating specific training status in advanced wrestlers. In J. Sadowski (Ed.), Proceedings book of International Scientific Conference, Biala Podlaska “Coordination motor abilities in scientific research” (pp. 144-149). Biala Podlaska: Jozef Pilsudski Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw & Faculty of Physical Education in Biala Podlaska.
8. Sertić, H., Baić, M. & Segedi, I. (2005). Metric characteristics of chosen acrobatic tests for advanced wrestlers. In J. Sadowski (Ed.), Proceedings book of International Scientific Conference, Biala Podlaska “Coordination motor abilities in scientific research” (pp. 247-252). Biala Podlaska: Jozef Pilsudski Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw & Faculty of Physical Education in Biala Podlaska.
9. Baić, M., Sertić, H., Cvetković, Č. (2006). Differences in physical fitness levels of greco-roman wrestlers with varying degrees of success. Kinesiologia Slovenica, 12 (2), 5-12.
10. Baić, M., Sertić, H., Milanović, D., Starosta, W., Cvetković, Č. (2006). Diagnostics of physical abilities of wrestlers in Croatia. In J. Cynarski, R. M. Kalina, K. Obodynski (Eds.), Proceedings of 1st World Scientific Congress of Combat Sports and Martial Arts, (pp. 83-84). Rzesow: Ministry of Defence.
11. Sertić, H., Segedi, I., Baić, M. (2008). Changes of anthropological status of children in wrestling sports following a three-year training – process. U Dragan Milanović i Franjo Prot (ur.), Proceedings Book of the 5 th International Scientific Conference “on Kinesiology – “Kinesiology research trends and applications”, Zagreb, September 10-14, 2008 (str. 976-979). Zagreb: Faculty of Kinesiology.
12. Sporiš, G., Tomac, Z., Omrčen, D., Baić, M., Harasin, D. (2011). Motor learning without external feedback when testing motor coordination. Sport Science, 1: 84-88.
13. Macan, J., Baić, M., Romić, G. (2011). Frequency of allergic diseases among wrestling and karate trainees. U Dragan Milanović i Goran Sporiš (ur.), Proceedings Book of the 6 th International Scientific Conference “on Kinesiology – “ Integrative power of kinesiology ”, Zagreb, September 8-11, 2011 (str. 111-114). Zagreb: Faculty of Kinesiology.
14. Baić, M., Starosta, W. (2011). Physical fitness level in free style junior wrestlers of three different weight categories. U Dragan Milanović i Goran Sporiš (ur.), Proceedings Book of the 6 th International Scientific Conference “on Kinesiology – “ Integrative power of kinesiology ”, Zagreb, September 8-11, 2011 (str. 496-499). Zagreb: Faculty of Kinesiology.
1. Sertić, H. (2004). Osnove borilačkih sportova (judo, karate, hrvanje). Kineziološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. (Marić, J i Baić, M. suradnici na dijelu udžbenika)
2. Marić, J., Baić, M., Cvetković, Č. (2007). Primjena hrvanja u ostalim sportovima. Kineziološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.