Institution/Organization: Oklahoma State University, University of Oklahoma
Clinical Professor Center for Exercise and Sports Medicine
Adjunct Professor of Emergency Medicine
University of Oklahoma School of Community Medicine, Tulsa
Vice President and Professor of Medicine Emeritus
Wrestling Team Physician
Oklahoma State University
Current Areas of Interest: Body Composition, Flexibility, Respiratory physiology, exercise asthma in athletes
Recent Publications 1. Rice TB, Dunn RE, Lincoln AE, Tucker AM, Vogel RA, Heyer RA, Yates AP, Wilson PWF, Pellman EJ, ALLEN TW, Newman AB, Strollo PJ. Sleep-disordered breathing in the National Football League. SLEEP 2010; 33(6):819-824
2. ALLEN TW, Vogel RA, Lincoln AE, Dunn RE, Tucker AM. Body Size, body composition, and cardiovascular risk factors in NFL players. Physician and Sports Medicine April 2010, 28(1):21-7
3. Herring SA, Kibler WB, Putukian M, ALLEN TW, Bergfeld J, Boyajian-O’Neill L, et al. Selected issues fro the master athlete and the team physician: a consensus statement. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2010, 42(4) 820-833
4. Tucker AM, Vogel RA, Lincoln AE, Dunn RE, Ahrensfield DC, ALLEN TW, et al.: Prevalence of cardiovascular disease risk factors among national football league players. JAMA.2009;301(20):2111-2119
5. ALLEN TW: Return to play following exercise-induced bronchoconstriction. Clin J Sport Med. 2005; 15:421-425